Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Making Things Happen

I mentioned in my last post that I have been working though Lara Casey's series "Making Things Happen in 2014" and I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed the process.  It has been both challenging and rewarding, but I feel like I am starting this new year with more direction and determination then ever before.

The thing I have appreciated the most about Lara's series is the steps taken to reach the goal setting portion. My normal MO is to rattle off a list of "good ideas" and hit the ground running. However, not taking the time to really think through the "why's and how's" of my goals only lead to failure.

Much of this process has been internal but for the sake of accountability I will share my most important takeaways over the next few weeks. For today I'll start with my word for 2014.

I had started out with a different word in mind but after all was said and done I knew that this was the word that was right for the new year. This word has two meanings for me:

1. I want to live each and every day with purpose and meaning. Cutting out things with no lasting value and focusing my time on my family, friends and the talents that God has given me.

2. I want to find God's purpose for me. I truly believe that He has given each and every one of us a distinct set of gifts and abilities and that He intended we share them with others. I'm done hiding in the shadows, it's time I find my purpose in Him and not be afraid to shine.

I'll leave you with this quote that I found on Lara's site that hit me at my core.
P.s. Thanks agin for sharing in this journey with me.

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