Yesterday I took a quick trip to Portland for work. As you can see it was rather wet, but provided an excellent excuse to buy a new hat. Hooray! (pictures to come) I am feeling ever so confident in my traveling abilities as I not only drove a rented minivan around in the rain, I navigated downtown Portland, without killing a single person.
I didn't end up getting much sleep, but it was a fun time and I had a fabulous lunch at Pine State Biscuits. Yes I realize that it might be a heart attack between two pieces of buttermilk heaven, but it was oh so yummy. I loved the decor and ambiance. I have always heard that Portland has the best food and I'm glad to report, that it seems to be true.
Here are a few pictures I took to document my trip. I was parking my minivan outside the restaurant when I noticed this cool ring attached to the curb. Perhaps these are common around Portland, to tie up ones horses and such, but I had never seen anything like it. It screamed photo op.
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